So recently, while scouring youtube for probably yet another crochet video, I somehow came across a video of someone shuttle tatting, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever...I decided I needed to try it.
I did a little background research, and found out there are 4 basic ways to tat:-
1. Needle tatting- very easy, especially if you buy the DVD from Handy Hands. Be very careful with the needles though, as the thinner ones have sharp points.
2. Shuttle tatting:- This is probably the most traditional method, and it's the one that drew me in because of all the fancy shuttles. Plus it just looks so darn cool!!!:-)...
3. Cro-tatting:- If you know how to crochet, then this is definitely for you!!! Just buy a good cro-tat hook from Annie's Attic or I think Lacis also sells them, and use regular crochet cotton. It's the crochet way of imitating tatting, and you can make some pretty neat things...:-)...My goal is to cro-tat a scarf...we'll see how far that idea goes, since I'm already crocheting up 3 scarves!!! lol...
4. Hook tatting:- A Japenese method similar to cro-tatting, but with a double-ended hook. My cro-tatter friends all say that the Japanese hooks are better than the Lacis ones. I bought the Lacis ones, and they were crappy...can't even use them because the hook part is shaped really weird...so, if you want to give this a go, I'd recommend splurging on the takashimbari hooks ( I believe they are available on Lacis).
I'm adding a picture of my very first shuttle tatted butterfly!!! And yes, I am aware the picots (thread loops) could probably have been made more even, but I don't care- I still love it!!!:-)...
I'm also adding a picture of my aero tatting shuttle:- I like the lightweight design, and I like that you can wind the bobbins up with thread beforehand. I dislike the hook at the top- the crochet hook is sooooo tiny, and makes it difficult to straighten out picots, not to mention it keeps getting caught in the thread. I also don't like the weird pointy thing on the end (I use it to help me wind the bobbin, cuz that's what it said to use it for on the ebay listing). The other reason I dislike it- it's butt ugly... I hate the grey color, and I the pointy end makes it look like a rocket... Overall though, the price was good, and it works well, so I would give it like a passing score!!!:-)...
Well, that's all for tonight folks...I'm off to bed!!!:-)...
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